CPCAB is committed to the highest standards for our qualifications. All approved centres are required to have a complaints procedure which is available to learners.

We strongly recommend that you make every effort to resolve things informally first as this could be the most productive way forward.

How do I make a complaint about my centre, training provider or tutor?

We recommend that you contact your training centre in the first instance and follow their complaints procedure. If you have exhausted their policy and are still not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, including any appeal stage, you can escalate your complaint to us and we'll do everything we can to help.

What we can and can't investigate

CPCAB is an awarding organisation that provides qualifications. The colleges and centres who teach the courses are separate and independent. This means that there are only certain complaints which we can consider.

We'll investigate:

  • Complaints that have been through your centre’s own complaints process without a satisfactory outcome
  • Allegations of malpractice or serious maladministration relating to the CPCAB qualification including the issuing of invalid certificates
  • Complaints directed against CPCAB

Examples of complaints that need to go through your centre's complaints process are:

  • Any aspect of your learning experience, including fees
  • Decisions about admission to/exclusion from a training course
  • Complaints or appeals against internal assessment. For complaints and appeals against external assessment, please see our Appeals policy

It is your centre's responsibility to make their complaints policy available to you. If you contact us directly about centre-related concerns before you have been through your centre's complaints process we will refer you to your centre. We reserve the right to draw a vexatious or unreasonably persistent complaint to a close without further consultation.

How to make a complaint

To make a complaint please complete our form below.